Sonic Peripheries is a curated series on sonic art practices by Petra Klusmeyer. The cooperation between the Artist-in-Residency Stuhr-Heiligenrode and Petra Klusmeyer, artist and Teaching Researcher of Sound Studies at the University of the Arts Bremen was initiated in December 2008 and continues to invite international artists to present work to the community of Stuhr and beyond. It lies in the interest of the cooperation to extend the boundaries of the periphery – not only geographically but also artistically. The historical setting of Heiligenrode offers an intriguing site for sound art and experimental music to unfold. The series provides a critical and enquiring approach to sonic art practices where received notions regarding form, context and content are creatively and imaginatively questioned and readdressed. Invited artists for the series include thus far Mem1, Mark and Laura Cetilia (USA), Lou Mallozzi (USA), Howard Sandroff (USA), Helen Pritchard (UK), David Strang (UK), Shawn Decker (USA) and Stephen Lacy/Academy Records (USA).

Cooperating Partners
Petra Klusmeyer, University of the Arts Bremen
Edgar Wöltje, Stuhr Kultur